Weekly Reads
Another week has come and gone and we found ourselves pretty much halfway through December. I am super excited for this week mainly because I will be going away with my family this December. But for now I am just going to focus on all the books I want to read this Monday- Thursday. If you don't want to read this post then be sure to check out my video version of this here.
The first book on my list is probably one of the few I am really excited to review this month.

Moving onto my own books that I would like to read:

I almost forgot about this one.. But If you have been with me for a while now, you would know that I have been reading this series mainly because I love Amanda Hocking. This is the third book in the series. If you want like a brief synopsis thing here it is. The series is about sirens. Boom. Thats all you need to know. The series follows the greek siren mythology. I've read the first two books in the series and have liked them so far. But I am kinda hoping this book is like the epic one in the series that will change like to love...

And those are all of the books I am hoping to read this week! Stay tuned for both reviews and my Friday Reads post this week!
Yours in Reading,
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