Delilah Dusticle's Transylvanian Adventure

Title:  Delilah Dusticle's Transylvanian Adventure
Author: A.J. York
Series: Delilah Dusticle #2
Publisher: Createspace
Publication Date: 01 June 2014
Source: From the Author
Format: E-book
Pages: 122
Rating: 3.75
Reading Timeline:  30 December 2016

Goodreads Synopsis:

Delilah Dusticle is back with an action packed mission. In this illustrated installment, Delilah and the Dustbusters are invited to Transylvania, to cater for the Hallow Eve Ball. All is not what it seems and Count Dracula has a very unusual request. 

Book Review:

Pre-reading Thoughts:

After reading the first book in this series, I was pretty intrigued to see how Delilah’s story continues to develop. The story was last left off with Delilah being in a relationship and having a business with an unlikely friend.

Writing Thoughts:

There was a big recap that happened in this book. Whilst I found it necessary, I felt it was a bit too much. The recap was of the entire previous book which was unnecessary.

But with that being said, I found this very enjoyable. The writing was easy and simple. I flew through the book, given that it was short. There wasn’t a big difference between this book’s writing. So if you would like to see those thoughts you can find it here.

Plot Thoughts:

Delilah is know for her ability to eradicate dust but something more is happening underneath the surface. This book’s plot was really great to read. I enjoyed all the aspect. There was a lot more body to this story which took what was once a flat story and made it into a little something more

Character Thoughts:

The once unanimated cleaning objects, have now received personalities. I love that this happened. It just add a little extra to the story. 

Jen has taken what I once considered flat character, and made them into more complicated characters. They just seemed to have more of everything. And over all the small quirks that each character had really made for a good story.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, this book was extremely enjoyable. It delivered what was promised. Just a little warning, this book is directed to a much younger audience than I am which had affected my rating of this book. I do recommend this book to readers with children who are in middle grade. 

Yours in Reading,



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