Delilah Dusticle and the Cursed Tempest Review

Delilah Dusticle and The Cursed Tempest:
Title: Delilah Dusticle and the Cursed Tempest
Author: A.J. York
Series: Delilah Dusticle #3
Publisher: Createspace
Publication Date: 12May 2016
Source: From the Author
Format: E-book
Pages: 130
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 30 December 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
In this exciting installment, Delilah Dusticle and the Dustbusters travel to the vibrant and mystical land of India. On arrival, they are tasked with a quest to overcome a powerful curse and save a life. It soon becomes clear that it is Delilah, who must find the strength and the power to defeat the curse. This is the third in a series of stories following Delilah and the Dustbusters on adventures around the world.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I loved how the second book played out. It was quite entertaining and a lot better than the first book. I am excited to see where this book takes us.
Writing Thoughts:
This book started off a lot different from all the others, which I preferred. It was delightful. I felt that there had been some development in Jen’s writing which really aided this story. It was just a lot more fun to read. Her writing has always been easy to read but with the added suspense and excitement, I found the pages flying more than before.
The last couple of pages were filled with suspense and kinda made me want the next book in this series a little more than I thought.
Plot Thoughts:
Oh my gosh. This one was good. I much prefer this book over the others. There was a lot more action in this book. Jen York’s story telling ability has really progressed. This was such an exciting read.
In the previous books, I could find myself guessing the possible endings but in this I found that I was at a standstill. The ending in this book was completely unexpected.
Character Thoughts:
We are introduced to more characters in this book and previous characters receive a little bit more of the spotlight. The characters are lighthearted and have silly moments but always remain true to their mission whether it be cleaning a house or solving a mystery.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, this was a fantastic read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next installment. I highly recommend this to young readers but if an older person is interested, it makes for a good quick read.
Yours in Reading,
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