Indiana Belle Review

Author: John A. Heldt
Series: America Journey #3
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: 14 April 2016
Source: From the Author
Format: E-Book
Pages: 295
Rating: 4 stars
Reading Timeline: 6 December- 7 December 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
Providence, Rhode Island, 2017. When doctoral student Cameron Coelho, 28, opens a package from Indiana, he finds more than private papers that will help him with his dissertation. He finds a photograph of a beautiful society editor murdered in 1925 and clues to a century-old mystery. Within days, he meets Geoffrey Bell, the "time-travel professor," and begins an unlikely journey through the Roaring Twenties. Filled with history, romance, and intrigue, INDIANA BELLE follows a lonely soul on the adventure of a lifetime as he searches for love and answers in the age of Prohibition, flappers, and jazz.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
Please note that in no way has receiving this book from the author impacted my opinion on the book. All thoughts are my own.
Before I started my journey with this book, I decided that I would just quickly pop into Goodreads to recap what the book was about. The last time I read the synopsis was pretty much a month ago. And honestly, I had no cooking clue what the story was about besides the fact that it was a Historical Fiction novel. I really wanted to know what I was getting myself into because I feel like it just gives me this solid foundation to write a review.
Once I read the synopsis again, I knew that I just couldn't wait to dive in. The fact that there was time-travel (which I am total trash for) and a muder to be solved, just peaked my interest all over again. I just couldn't wait to get cracking
Writing Thoughts:
The author has this really great way of writing. The book flowed from the beginning to the end. It allowed me to get into the story really quickly and also allowed the pages to fly by. The writing is as smooth as marble and just as beautiful. I have highlighted a couple of sentences because they are just perfect. I loved the way this story was written. There was a clear and distinct structure and writing style. The writing allowed for smooth reading experience which was quite enjoyable.
Plot Thoughts:
As mentioned before, I am total trash for both Historical Fictions and Time-Travel novels. I love them both equally and are ironically the two genres that I read the least. This is due to the fact that both of these genres are often a hit and miss kind of situation. And I must say that this is a definite hit! I love time-travel novels. They are often my guilty pleasure reads. I love how subtle this story started off. It didn't throw off by jumping straight into the mechanics of time traveling instead it allows for a slow introduction. I loved how the story turned out. With a budding romance and just all the things I learnt from the novel itself, I just couldn't help but love it. John A. Heldt has definitely sold me on his other books with this one. The unique plot allows for so much to happen. And despite that the novel wasn't filled with grueling action, I loved how investigative it was.
Character Thoughts:
I loved the characters in this novel. They may not have been super extra-ordinary but they felt real. They never felt made-up, instead each character felt as if they were a real person at one point...
The investigative properties of the book played well into Cameron's character. He was such a mellow character that was just perfect. He was perfectly ordinary and I adored that about him. He had a very unique sense of humor that you either got or you didn't. There were occasions where I didn't get it but those weren't too often. I loved that he didn't push his humor, he kind of just let it slip into the situation.
She was the perfect flapper. Candice played well into the 1925's. She was they typical stuck between two worlds but she had no typical way around it. She flaunted who she was and was incredibly independent.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I loved the book. I don't know who I would recommend this too exactly by I would say that those who love historical fiction will definitely enjoy this book!
Yours in Reading,
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