The Witch's Kiss Review

Author: Katharine Corr and Elizabeth Corr
Series: The Witch's Kiss #1
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: 30 June 2016
Source: Netgalley (eBook), Purchased (Paperback)
Format: Ebook, Paperback
Pages: 320
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 14 July 2018
Goodreads Synopsis:
Can true love’s kiss save the day…?
Sixteeen-year-old Meredith is fed-up with her feuding family and feeling invisible at school – not to mention the witch magic that shoots out of her fingernails when she’s stressed. Then sweet, sensitive Jack comes into her life and she falls for him hard. The only problem is that he is periodically possessed by a destructive centuries-old curse. Meredith has lost her heart, but will she also lose her life? Or in true fairytale tradition, can true love’s kiss save the day?
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I heard a lot about this book last year. It was one of those books that had a lot of publicity surrounding it when it was published but then it kind of died down. I didn't even know that there was a sequel. But this doesn't stop me from being interested in the story.
Thank you so much to Netgalley and HarperCollins for providing me with a copy of this book! Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The writing kind of threw me off in the beginning. It was difficult to get into but as I kept reading, the writing got easier to read and I found myself consuming the book faster and faster. I was really happy with how the dialogue played out. It was natural and really pulled me in sometimes.
Plot Thoughts:
Wow. This plot was definitely the thing that won me over in this book. It was slow paced but worked really well with the story. It was one of those books where you needed to be able to take in all the detail. I loved how it was one of those that satisfied you at the end but also left you heartbroken. The tension in the plot was well placed as it reached its peak at the right moment. Honestly, I don't know how to describe other than the fact that it is done so well.
Character Thoughts:
I really liked Meredith. I thought that to a point, she was a realistic portrayal of people in a tough situation. She was ready to face but at the same time, she didn't want to do it. She asked herself realistic questions and she had a realistic reaction to finding out what she had to do. I really liked her as a character. I can't wait to see what development she goes through in the next book. I really liked her brother as well. He was super supportive and didn't go crazy or anything. I thought that he was a really great supportive character and he was a break from everyone who tried to control Meredith instead he was there to help her.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I found myself really liking this book. The authors did a fantastic job. They took an overused story and turned into something different. Yes, there was some typical or trope like moments in the book but it felt fresh and like something different. The writing did throw me a bit in the beginning but it got better. The plot is incredible and it is 100% the reason why you should pick this book up right now. The main character felt like a realistic representation of someone in that situation and it really made the story more believable. I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to jump into the next one! Thank you so much to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book.
Yours in reading,
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