Bruja Review

Author: Aileen Erin
Series: Alpha Girl #4
Publisher: Ink Monster LLC
Publication Date: 12 May 2015
Source: Xpresso book Tours
Format: eBook
Pages: 312
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reading Timeline:
Goodreads Synopsis:
Claudia De Santos has always looked out for every witch but herself. She fought from the shadows as her coven turned dark, and with a little help from her half witch/half alpha werewolf cousin, Tessa, Claudia is doing everything she can to keep her friends and family in the light.
Now the coven has splintered into two factions: Luciana’s army of witches wielding dark magic, and Claudia’s few stragglers who fight with the wolves. War is coming, and it won’t be much of a battle if Claudia can’t find the spells to counteract Luciana’s demonic power.
The answers lie in ancient magic, and Claudia must journey to Peru to rediscover what the Inca mages knew. Fighting evil will require a pure spirit, but her quest is full of temptations, including a handsome Peruvian guide with secrets of his own.
As she struggles to gain the knowledge her friends will need in the coming battle, conflict rages in Claudia’s heart. Following through with her arranged marriage could bring hope and more allies to the side of good, but at the cost of her own happiness. Should Claudia stay on the same path of duty she’s always walked or risk it all—her life and the futures of all brujos—for a chance at something more?
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I am so excited for this different voice. We've seen small glimpses of Claudia and now she gets her own book and I cannot wait to see what it will bring.
Thank you so much to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book. Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
Plot Thoughts:
I really liked that we got to see something completely different in this book. The plot was more Bruja focused which was nice. We got to see a bit more into the effects that Luciana had on those who left in the previous book. This book also answered some of the questions that I had in the previous book. I really enjoyed how we also had a completely different situation and I think that this closed the gap between the books quite well. Some part of me, however, hoped that we would also be able to see Tessa's point of view. With that being said, the plot still contained the same structure that I spoke about in my previous review, which you can find here.
Character Thoughts:
Claudia's character is truly explored in this book. She contrasts Tessa so well but she also the same as her in many aspects. Claudia was always this side character that just popped for a page or two. I loved that we go to see who she was other than Tessa's cousin.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed this book but keep expecting a little something more at one point something that pulls me in like what the first book did. The writing remained the same as in the previous three books. The plot held the same structure but I really enjoyed that we got a larger focus on the Bruja side of everything. The focus on Claudia was a breath of fresh air. It was something different and much needed. Thank you so much to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book to review.
Yours in Reading,
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