Friday Reads
Oh my gosh... It's already the weekend and I cannot be any happier. This weekend is much needed. As usual, I have a couple of books that I would like to get to this weekend. Some of them I just want to start and other I would really like to finish. Just a quick reminder, I do have a video up of this. You can find that here. And if you would like to see what I am currently reading along with my February TBR you can find that on my Goodreads page
I started DITS this week as I am reading as part of Stefan's (@stefansbooks) read along (#stefansreadalong). I am also a representative for the publishing company, Blaze Publishing. I am super excited to read more of this book because it is really good so far! This is a Sci-Fi book and after Emotions by Arnulfo Cantarero I was super in the mood for Scifies.
I requested this book from the author last month. It sounded really interesting so I am hoping together to it before next weekend so that I can review it. This book is a guardian angel type of story!
Hopefully I can get to this book! I am doing a blog tour for this book through Xpresso Books and I really want to get ahead on all of the books that I need to review. I actually do not know what this book is about but it looks super interesting and I cannot wait to get to it.
Those are all of the books that I am hoping to get to this weekend... What are you reading this weekend?
Yours in Reading,
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