Web of Frost Blog Tour
Hey Everyone! As you can see, I am participating in a blog tour hosted by BARCLAY PUBLICTY for the book, Web of Frost. They have kindly provided me with a copy of this book to review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way.
The blog post will have the following format if you are interested!
- Giveaway information
- Book Links
- Book Review
- Book Excerpt
- About the Author
Giveaway Information:
The following prize is what you could win (INTL)
- $50 Gift Card or 3 runner ups will receive 1x ebook from Lindsay Smith's Backlist (winner's choice)
- $50 Gift Card or 3 runner ups will receive 1x ebook from Lindsay Smith's Backlist (winner's choice)
Book Links:
Book Review:

Title: Web of Frost
Author: Lindsay Smith
Series: The Saints of Russalka #1
Publisher: Eventide Press
Publication Date: 13 February 2018
Source: Barclay Publicity
Format: Ebook
Pages: 402
Rating: 3.8 Stars
Reading Timeline: 17 February 2018 - 22 February 2018
Goodreads Synopsis:
The saints of Russalka work their
blessings in mysterious ways, allowing the royal family to perform miracles for
their people. But the young princess Katza fears her powers. She’s seen
grave visions of her bloodied hands destroying her family’s empire. When her
older brother succumbs to illness, leaving her next in line for the throne,
Katza turns to a young rebellious prophet named Ravin who promises to teach her
how to control her gift. As unrest grows in Russalka and a foreign monarchy threatens,
Ravin understands Katza's fears and helps her find confidence in her gift, and
her own heart. Under Ravin’s unorthodox training, Katza learns to hear the
saints once more—until revolutionaries claim her father’s life.
Reeling and desperate, Katza draws upon
darker and darker powers to stop the revolutionaries, the foreign invaders, and
the members of her own court who would see her fail. But the more Ravin
whispers in her ear, the more Katza questions whether he—and the saints—have
her best interests at heart. She must choose between her love of Ravin and her
love of Russalka itself—and decide whether her empire might not be better off
without her.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
One of my favourite things lately is to go into a book blind and this one is no different. I am so excited to start this. The cover looks absolutely interesting!
Thank you to Barclay Publicity for providing me with a copy for this book! I cannot wait to jump into this book. Just a small little disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Thank you to Barclay Publicity for providing me with a copy for this book! I cannot wait to jump into this book. Just a small little disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The writing in this book was good. It was detailed and really helped in moving the story along. The dialogue was always on point and the internal conflict was quite visual. I was really happy that the author didn't shy away from descriptive worlds. It helped to set up the amazing landscape of Russalka as well as several other things.
Plot Thoughts:
The plot in this book is slow. Don't go into this and expect to fly through it. It was slow and steady abut despite how long it took for major events to come around, the book was never boring. It was filled to the brim with politics, magic and conspiracies. The magic system in this book is so unique. I also really enjoyed the world building. There were definitely times where the information dump was a bit much but when you get past these moments honestly this book is pure genius.
Character Thoughts:
Our main character is flawed but powerful. Katza is thrown into a world she has only seen and heard glimpses of. She is completely out of her element and yet she still strives. She is constantly faced with impossible decision and she doesn't always choose the right choice. She sometimes lets her emotions cloud her judgement but at the end of the day she wants only one thing.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. The writing was good. It was filled with detail and the pacing really helped to move the story along when things got a bit heavy. The plot was slow but rich in content. There were moments that things took too long but then they were complimented with action scenes. The main character was spectacularly human. Thank you so much to Barclay Publicity for providing me with a copy go this book!
Book Excerpt:
Web of Frost
Copyright © 2018 Lindsay Smith
Ravin stood silent in the
doorway, his clasped hands a speck of pale flesh against the black velvet of
his coat and trousers. Her thoughts soared at the sight of him. She needed his
counsel to make sense of her latest vision. She needed his guidance. She needed—him.
She tangled her fingers in
the bedsheets and twisted them, uncomfortable with the sudden yearning that
pricked at her skin.
“Prophet.” Katza’s voice
cracked. She turned toward the physicker. “Please, allow us to speak
The physicker exchanged
looks with Nadika, who hovered in the corner of the bedchamber. Nadika nodded,
and the physicker gathered his bag and left.
Ravin moved inside, quiet
as snow, and closed the door. Nadika posted herself in the doorway as he sat in
the physicker’s chair at Katza’s side. Dark crescents lurked under his eyes,
and his skin looked more pallid than usual. Katza felt a sudden urge to brush
those crescents with her thumbs, as if they were smudges she could wipe away.
“Are you all right?” Ravin
asked softly. “I’ve been worried for you. I prayed for you all evening.”
Embers flared on Katza’s
cheeks as she imagined him kneeling in the chapel . . . imagined her name on
his lips. “I—I’m fine now. But I had a vision.” She pitched her voice low. “A
new one. There was gunfire, or cannons perhaps, in the distance. And I was
bleeding.” She gripped her stomach instinctively. “I think in the vision I’d
been shot.”
Ravin pressed his palms
together and tapped the tips of his fingers to his mouth. “It was similar to
other visions of yours, was it not?”
Katza’s jaw clenched. For
a moment, she was afraid to speak, so she nodded instead. She still wasn’t
prepared to tell him about her recurring vision—the one she’d first feared this
might be, too. He’d hinted before that he knew of it already, but how was that
possible? Had the saints warned him as well? Better to keep it to herself until
she could be sure.
“Yes. I sense this is a
common theme for you.” He glanced down. “I believe that Boj is warning
you—warning that great strife is coming to Russalka. That if you are not
prepared to confront it, you will not survive.”
A horrifying possibility,
to be sure. Yet it was better than the vision she’d been plagued with before.
If she couldn’t find a way to stop the strife, though, would Russalka still
perish? Whether it was at her hands or not, it had to be stopped.
“And if I am prepared?”
Katza asked.
“Then it can be avoided.”
The angles of his face softened by a fraction. Katza’s gaze traced the delicate
swoop from his cheek toward his mouth and lips, the hollows beneath his
cheekbones. “You have been chosen by Boj to do great things. Greater even than
most Silovs are capable of.” He looked right at her, something gleaming in his
eyes. Something like awe. “But your training has been stunted.”
Katza squeezed her eyes
shut to guard against a rush of despair. “It’s my fault. My visions—I thought
they were warning me not to step above my place.”
“You thought they warned
you not to act?” he asked. “And yet they continued? Tsarechka
. . . I think perhaps they were warning you of the cost of inaction.”
Katza choked back a sour
laugh. When she opened her eyes again, Ravin was watching her, his face warm
despite that leeching cold in his eyes. She wanted to believe him. Desperately.
She couldn’t put into words, though, the vision’s warning—the certainty she’d
felt of its message. That she was doomed to be Russalka’s death.
But maybe she was wrong.
She yearned to be wrong. Maybe, with Ravin’s aid, she could avoid its grim
“You are unprepared now,
but you will learn. With the right training, you can save Russalka.”
Her gaze drifted down his
face and along the long, stern line of his arms. His hands, so like a
sculptor’s, dexterous and slim. This close to him, she smelled incense on his
clothes, spiced like cinnamon and cloves. She wanted to wrap herself in that
scent. Throat tight, she reached out for his hand. At first he tensed, but then
his shoulders softened, and a smile teased his mouth. Their fingers knitted
together, and she let the weight of her hand sink into his.
About the Author:

Lindsay is the author of the young adult novels Sekret, Dreamstrider, and A Darkly Beating Heart, and is the showrunner and lead writer for Serial Box's The Witch Who Came In From the Cold. Her work has appeared on Tor.com and in the anthologies A Tyranny of Petticoats, Strange Romance Vol. 3, and Toil & Trouble, and she has written for Green Ronin Publishing's RPG properties. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband and dog.
Follow Lindsay:
Yours in Reading,
Melleny Smith
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