Seraphina's Vengeance Excerpt

Title: Seraphina's Vengence
Author: Sheena Hutchinson
Series: Seraphina #3
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: 18 September 2017
Format: Ebook
Pages: 300
Author: Sheena Hutchinson
Series: Seraphina #3
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: 18 September 2017
Format: Ebook
Pages: 300
Goodreads Synopsis:
One year ago, Seraphina’s entire world seemed to have dived into a mythical land over night. She’s somehow even gotten used to the madness of it all. But what happens when the craziness stops? Things become quiet… too quiet.
Sera should have known that things weren’t as quiet as they seemed. After one of the best nights of her life, Sera is forced into this treacherous journey to save one of her loved ones.
But following the path of evil begins to take its toll on Sera. As she struggles with her own internal dilemmas, Nate starts to take matters into his own hands. When this unseen world finally begins to affect Sera’s emotions and her relationship, can she hold it together to save her loved ones? Will love conquer all? Or will it turn her evil… forever?
The road winds once more and she allows her mind to bend as well. Sera. God how long has it been since she’s seen her? For as long as she can remember she has seen her every single day and now it’s been an entire year since she’s set eyes on her. Ever since that day she showed up in her house in the middle of the night she’s been afraid for her best friend. Things are worse than she led her to believe. She can always tell when Sera is lying to her. She always has some bogus story about backpacking through Europe or some crap her parents may believe, but not her. Suddenly, she gasps. A black cat dashes across the road in front of her before disappearing into the woods on the other side.
Keep an eye out for omens.
The words echo through her as she feels a bead of sweat drip down her spine. She shivers and shakes her head to recover from it. No, she is not going to allow herself to think about that, not now. Not when she’s finally going to see her best friend again. She wants to confront her. She plans to get Sera to spill her guts to her. She’s finally going to talk about the day in the mall when she looked like she saw a ghost and then drove back to the psychic. She went back there and spoke to that ‘Amazing Anna.’ Even though she refused to tell her anything about Sera. The psychic did choose to tell her some things. She said Amanda would be safer staying away. Apparently, she’s not that good of a psychic otherwise she would’ve known that would never happen. Anna did tell her that her life would have great meaning, what ever that means. Her life would be a turning point, but the way she said it made her believe it wouldn’t be for her. She never touched on her future like most. That was all she said before she ushered her out telling her to stay away from Seraphina. That my best friend has to overcome some things before and to not get involved, she can still hear her soft voice to warn her. That was over a year ago. She hoped that was enough time because she can’t stand it any longer.
“Oh crap,” Amanda mutters to herself before she veers the car around sharply, almost missing the turn down the gravel road. “This place is in the middle of nowhere,” she scoffs tossing the invitation into the back seat of her little black sedan. A sigh escapes her as she tries to calm the butterflies in her stomach. Just follow the road. The back of the card said. Her mind wanders then, what if she’s changed? What if she has other Angel friends now? No, this is Sera we are talking about. Her Sera. Her best friend in the entire planet… or is she? Ever since she’s met this Nate character she hasn’t exactly been her Sera anymore. She’s been his.
The trees finally break and the picture before her makes her suck in a breath. It looks like something out of Lumber Jack Times. Holy Crap! The log cabin of all log cabins stands before her. So, while she’s been stuck working at the office alone working over time to nab some extra cash, Sera has been cooped up with some smoking hot Angel in this gorgeous cabin. Life just isn’t fair.
She slips out of the car and slams the door behind her. Definitely not fair, Amanda thinks as her eyes scan the vast lawn and forest before her. The only thing that echoes in her mind:
Keep an eye out for omens.
The black cat flashes through her mind again. It came out of nowhere and just ran straight across the road like it didn’t even care about the car. The last sentence the Amazing Anna ever said to her kept her up for days. It haunts her dreams and she didn’t have the heart to tell Sera with all that has been going on. She likes to keep their phone conversations to an upbeat level because sometimes she can hear the worry and self doubt in her voice sometimes. It’s a sentence that doesn’t make any sense to her. There is no way it’s humanly possible, but as she’s recently learned sometimes things go beyond what is humanly possible. The last sentence the psychic said to her was:
Beware of the black eyes.
I hope that you enjoyed that excerpt!
Yours in Reading,
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