Caged Review
Title: Caged
Author: Karina Espinosa
Series: Mackenzie Grey #2
Publisher: Black Quill Publishing
Publication Date: 26 April 2016
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: E-book
Pages: 220
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 27 March 2017 - 29 March 2017

Author: Karina Espinosa
Series: Mackenzie Grey #2
Publisher: Black Quill Publishing
Publication Date: 26 April 2016
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: E-book
Pages: 220
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 27 March 2017 - 29 March 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
It's hard there for a lone-wolf.
Mackenzie Grey has started a brand new life in an attempt to escape the Brooklyn Pack. She settles in as a detective in a special unit of the LAPD when her identity is put at risk, and she has no choice but to run again. The question is: does she want to run forever?
As events force Mackenzie to confront her past, she is met with many surprises - including the revelation of her true ancestry. When the Packs across the country learn of who she is, Kenz becomes the object of desire in a deadly wolf hunt, and she must once again fight to keep her fight to keep her freedom.
Witnessing first-hand the barbaric treatment of Lunas, Mackenzie has to make a choice - follow the predictions of her Visions Quest or let herself be CAGED...
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I quite liked the first book and whilst it was probably not the best written book, it has definitely been an entertaining journey so far. I am excited to what happens in this book after the actions that Mackenzie took in the first book. I have a lot of hope and expectations of this book. Please note that I have been provided a copy of this book from Xpresso Book Tours in order to post a honest review. In no way has receiving this book affected my opinion. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I personally thought that the writing style stayed pretty much the same, however there was a slight development in some places. It was as choppy as before which made this reading experience a lot smoother than in the first book. If you would like to see my thoughts on the writing in the first book, then you can find that review here.
Plot Thoughts:
In this book, we are introduced to a more calm and perhaps even collected Mackenzie. We are also introduced to a new love interest. Now the question is, has Mackenzie moved on from Sebastian and Jonah?
This book is filled to the brim with action scenes and sarcasm. We get to experience a world where Mackenzie is afraid of who is she is and what she can do. Instead she uses her shifting abilities to save the lives of other supernaturals. I loved the turn that this story took. I loved how Mackenzie has been given the time to breathe and accept who she is but her problems have not disappeared. Mackenzie has an amazing group of friends that, I must say, stick up with her crap.
Character Thoughts:
Even though Mackenzie has got through slight development, she still holds the same characteristics as she did in the pervious book. She is still sarcastic and brash as ever but she seems to have a little bit more of a filter. Please note that it isn't much of a filter but there is one. Mackenzie still remains our annoyingly charming main character who has a league of people helping her in her mission.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I think that it is save to say that I am trash for this series. I have surprisingly enjoyed myself a lot. This series has reawaken my inner reader who had started to fall asleep. I can't wait for what this series has to bring in the next book. Thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for such an amazing opportunity.
Yours in Reading,
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