Weekly Reads

This is the last weekly reads until April! It has been such a fun journey sharing all of my ambitious TBRs with you guys! My holidays are officially over next week, which I am surprisingly excited about. I am super ready to just jump back into the school groove so that I can become productive once more!

This week is my last attempt to catch up on some reviews and reads that I owe people whilst still doing some of my own reading.

The first book that I will be reading this week is Keeper: The Book of Awn by K.M. Higginbotham. I literally just started this book yesterday and I am intrigued to see how the story progresses.

The next book on my TBR has been on here since I got back in December and let me sit I am not impressed with myself. I have yet to finish Heartless and I really really hope to do so soon.

Then there is The Final Empire which I still have to read as well. I love this book but I am intimidated by the amount of pages it has. So I have decided to set up a goal for myself to finish it. This week I am for page 200! Let's see if I can get there.

The next book is one I cannot wait to get to. I loved The Midnight Sea and I simply cannot wait to get to this book as soon as I can! I have really high hopes for this book... Let's hope it is as good as I think it will be

Thank you so much for reading this post and all the others like this! I look forward in seeing you in my Friday Reads post!

Yours in Reading,



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