Queen of Chaos Review
I am super excited for this review! But please note that this is part of a blog tour and that all books part of the series have been given to me by Xpresso Book Tours in order to fulfill my duty to this particular post. There is also a giveaway going on so be sure to enter if you would like a ecopy of The Daemonic!
Here is the link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d04251231590/
On another note I wanted to say happy book birthday to this incredible book! I cannot wait to share my thoughts with all of you!

Author: Kat Ross
Series: The Fourth Element #3
Publisher: Acorn Publishing
Publication Date: 18 January 2017
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: E-book
Pages: 291
Ratings: 4.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 16-17 January
Goodreads Synopsis:
Persepolae has fallen.
Karnopolis has burned.
As the dark forces of the Undead sweep across of what remains of the empire, Nazafareen must obey the summons of a demon queen to save Darius's father, Victor. Burdened with a power she doesn't understand and can barely control, Nazafareen embarks on a perilous journey through the shadowlands to the House-Behind-the-Veil. But what awaits her there is worse than she ever imagined...
A thousand leagues away, Tijah leads a group of children on a desperate mission to rescue the prisoners at Gorgon-e Gaz, the stronghold where the oldest daēvas are kept. To get there, they must cross the Great Salt Plain, a parched ruin occupied by the armies of the night. A chance encounter adds a ghost from the past tot heir number. But will they arrive in time to avert a massacre.
And in the House-Behind-the-Veil, Balthazar and the Prophet Zarathustra discover that they have more in common than meets the eye. But is it enough to redeem the necromancer's bloodstained soul and thwart his mistress's plans?
As a final showdown looms with Queen Nebils, the truth of the daēvas' origins is revealed and three worlds collide in this thrilling conclusion to the Fourth Element series.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I have loved the first book, I have adored the second and now it is time to decide how I feel about the third and last book. My only hope is that Kat does not pull a Rogue One in this book because otherwise I will be devastated.
Please note that I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. In no way does this influence my thoughts on the book. All opinions are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I've gotten really in tune with Kat's writing because I have been reading the books like a marathon. I won't be saying much in this category mainly because I believe that I have said everything already. If you do want to see what I think, then you can find that information here and here. The links lead to my The Midnight Sea and Blood of the Prophet reviews
Plot Thoughts:
This book was just amazing. I was constantly sitting on the edge of my seat. It was action-filled and just kept me guessing and hoping. I've never enjoyed a book more than in this moment. Much like the other books, the story started off slow but once it got going, it was just incredible.
This book is told via multiple point of views which in my opinion just makes the plot thicker and more diverse. Kat Ross has done it again in making me love a book more than I thought I would. I have never loved a historical fantasy like this before. This book oozes the history of the Middle East and I must admit there were some times when I just knew exactly what was going on because I love the history of Alexander the Great.
This book and series has definitely got a really interesting take on that history and I have never been disappointed. For a conclusion, this book was beyond perfection.
This book is told via multiple point of views which in my opinion just makes the plot thicker and more diverse. Kat Ross has done it again in making me love a book more than I thought I would. I have never loved a historical fantasy like this before. This book oozes the history of the Middle East and I must admit there were some times when I just knew exactly what was going on because I love the history of Alexander the Great.
This book and series has definitely got a really interesting take on that history and I have never been disappointed. For a conclusion, this book was beyond perfection.
Character Thoughts:
There was a huge variety of character point of views in this book. We got to see more of other beloved characters beside Nazafareen which was really great and there is a special appearance of someone you least expect.
I love that we got to see more into Tijah's perspective. We were able to how she dealt with the passing of Myrri. I absolutely love her headstrong character that has a heart go gold. I love how she dealt with things in her own way.
Balthazar was one character I had no idea what to feel about. He makes a very brief appearance in the first book and then in the second book and third book we get to know him better. I really did enjoy his character but sometimes I just didn't know what to expect and feel.
I've loved the character development that this series has received. The progress and just sheer phenomenon of each character has really made this series a great one for me. These are characters I will never forget and that I hope to see in other books written by Kat.
I've loved the character development that this series has received. The progress and just sheer phenomenon of each character has really made this series a great one for me. These are characters I will never forget and that I hope to see in other books written by Kat.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I urge you dear friends, please pick up this series. If not for the covers then for the content. I have loved, laughed and cried in all of the books and I still find myself craving more of this world. It is the perfect mash of fantasy and history. This trilogy has blown me away unexpectedly and has definitely made my whole reading year a million times better. This series will always be in my heart and on my favourite shelf. I hope that this world never ends. The world building and over atmosphere of this book is just incredible.
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