2017 Goals

please note that the above image is not mine. 

A year has come and gone. I have changed blog sites, become a reviewer and a rep. And I have been incredible lucky to become a beta reader for the lovely Sylvie Parizeau. All of these things have been really big first for me.

In all of my platforms, I have at least doubled my following and I simply cannot be more grateful for all the support my family and best friend have given me.

That is what 2016 was like for me. It was a year that I will never forget. I was lucky enough to have an amazing year and I know a lot of people can't say the same. And to those people, I wish you the best year you can possibly have in 2017.

Like everyone else in this community, I have both personal and bookish goals. Today I will be sharing those goals with you! I usually like to split my goals into the following categories : blog, Instagram and YouTube.

Well... Let's get on with it!

Blog Goals:

  • I would love to post at least one review a week. I really wish I could do more but unfortunately I know this year is going to be really busy for more.
  • I would really like to post a blog post/discussion post once a week. I love expressing my opinions and now that I feel like I have finally found my feet, I can start working on blog posts. (p.s. a blog post would be something like this!)
  • Once a month, I would like to post an author interview. I did one last year and I just loved it to bits. I couldn't believe how much fun it was getting to know the author of Weregirl. I think I will be totally unoriginal and call it Author Spotlight. So be on the look out for January's Author Spotlight
  • I want to start posting more TBRs and wrap-ups. Last year I really sucked at this and would love to make it my aim to show everyone what I read as well as what I have reviewed
  • I want to start using my own photos as headers. I use images from the internet which I feel doesn't make my blog very personal to me. I would love to change that.

Instagram Goals
  • I want to reach between 700-1000 followers on Instagram. I know, it is such an ambiguous number. But there is a reason for it. I wanted at least one super easy goal that I know I will kinda achieve. The 1000 followers is something that I want to work for but I am aiming for about 800 at this point.
  • I would love, LOVE if I finished at least TWO monthly photo challenges. I have struggled with this for about a year now and I would love if I could just do it. I love posting everyday, it makes me really happy.

Youtube Goals
Not a lot of people know this, but I have a YouTube Channel. I have had for almost a year now and whilst I do love it, I do think it takes a lot of work. Which is why I didn't over extend myself in this category.
  • I want to post a review/discussion video at least once a week. I don't really like doing reviews not here because it can be so long sometimes and I am kind of uncomfortable doing it. But I want to work on this.
  • I want to participate in a lot more readathons this year. I did one or two last year and whilst that is great, I would love to do more. I also want to focus on doing more readathons on other social medias like Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you so much for reading this long post of mine! I know the goals seem easy and they might be. But I believe in starting small and going up from there! I am also hoping to focus more on my personal goals than on these ones because I feel like I need to focus a lot more and me...

But once again thank you! And I will hopefully see you in the next post!

Yours in Reading,



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