The Traitor's Crux Review

Author: Jessica Pranther
Series: The Dark Powers #1
Publisher: Oftomes Publishing
Publication Date: 14 November 2017
Source: Publisher
Format: E-book
Pages: 305
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 02 November 2017 - 03 November 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
In a country ravaged by years of war, plague, and death, witches and wizards are blamed for the state of the world and hunted by the U.S. government. Kenadee Coria was only a girl when her bother was taken prisoner for having magical powers.
Now sixteen years old, Kenadee discovers she too has magical powers and must face the facts: the government is watching, and they have plans for her. She's given a deadly mission and an impossible ultimatum: the lives of a hidden group of magic refugees, or the safe return of her long-lost brother.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I love Oftomes novels. There is rarely one that I don't connect with. I am so excited for this book because it sounds like it is going to be an exciting ride! This is the author's debut novel and I cannot wait to see what she brings to the table!
Thank you so much to Oftomes Publishing for providing me with a copy of this novel! Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own
Writing Thoughts:
I didn't really think that the writing was anything amazing. It had a good flow to it that allowed you to get into the story quite easily but it lacked character. In the beginning, the author was quick to add a comparison to add detail to her writing but towards the end she fell flat in the detail area completely. I had an idea of what everything looked like but I don't think that it was vivd enough. The dialogue was mostly good but towards the end it kind of got shaky, it took on a more childish and unbelievable look.
Plot Thoughts:
The concept of this book was definitely original. We have a mix of witches and wizards with a hint of an Xmen theme in it. I liked how certain things played out but then there were other events that just left me confused and kind of disappointed. The climax of the book wasn't as impactful due to the confusion. With that being said, I definitely think that this series has potential. The ending was definitely interesting and I can't wait to see what the author does in the next book.
Character Thoughts:
Kenadee was way too fickle for me. Yes I do understand that she is trying to safe her family but I think that she could have grown some back bone after everything that she went through. She was definitely likeable despite her flaws and seemed to attract mostly great people.
All the characters, except two, in this book lacked some depth. We knew who they were and their pasts but just lacked something, they lacked a passion and humanity. They all seemed a little too perfect at times. Only Kenadee and Harlow seemed to have some depth to them.
Final Thoughts:
Overal, I think that this series has potential. I also think that because this is the author's first book, she has done a good job and can only get better. There is definitely some places that could use development but at the end of the day, she has a good start. The writing had almost all of the basics down but it just needed some character to it, something that made it unique to the author. The plot has potential. There were certain events that worked well and then there were certain events that were confusing which could be solved by fleshing them out a bit. But the bare bones are there. The characters were okay. Harlow and Kenadee had some substance to them but the others felt a little too two dimensional. They needed some life to them. But I think that if the writing improves and the plot clears up in the next book, the characters will follow suit. Thank you so much to Oftomes Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book to review!
Yours in Reading,
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