November 2016 Wrap-Up
Please note that the above image is not my own
This was probably the worst month for me in terms if reading but at the same time it was the best month for me. So many things have happened and I couldn't be any happier.
So I guess I will start with what made my November this year the best...
I joined two amazing sites which I believe will help me grow as a reviewer and a reader. The first site is called The IndieView.
Basically the site allows indie authors to scope a long list of reviewers, see what they will post in their reviews and what the readers are interested in. And if one of those genres fall under their book's then they can contact the reviewer to review the book.
I have pretty much dedicated this December to reviewing these indie books. I have met some amazingly sweet authors through this site and I have only been on there for a month.
If you love indie authors and books like I do, then be sure to check out this site as soon as you can!
The second site that I have joined is Xpresso Book Tours. I have their banner on the side of my blog because I have joined their Tour Host team.
This is another site that promotes indie authors in the form of book blitzes, cover reveals, blog tours and normal reviews. You don't have to sign up to be a tour host but you have a better chance of reviewing the book that you want.
I was told about this site by my friend Demmi (@demmi_writist on Instagram) she joined them and was participating in a tour during November I believe. I couldn't pass up the opportunity because I love blog tours. They are one of my favorite things to participate in.
I was super lucky to get to be part of Sophia Elaine Hanson (author of VINYL) ARC team for the second book in her VINYL series. I cried when I got the email. Which might seem like an over exaggeration for some but you don't understand. I LOVE VINYL MUCH. I will be starting my third reread for the year.
Okay now onto my sad wrap-up for the month!

5 Stars
I then went a little easy for a while and read a smaller more familiar read during my exams

5 stars

5 stars

I don't want to say too much in this little thing because I have planned out a review. But it was definitely something I did not expect.
3.75-4 stars
And that is it for this post! Thank you so much for sitting through my rambles and shambles! Until next time!
Yours in Reading,
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