My Review Policy

Submissions for reviews has been closed. 

You can still send the request through but unfortunately, I will only be able to review the book from next year onwards. I am blocked full for the last two months of the year. Please note that if the review request is for a book that is being released this year/super duper urgent, your review review may be considered.

I thought that this would be great for authors who would like me to review their books for a honest review. So if you are an author who would like me to provide a review or other content for a blog tour or whatever the case may be, then this is the page for you!

Let's get down to business.

  1. I have no guarantee of when the review will go up. It could take two weeks, a month, six months. It all depends on my mood and my schedule but please note that I will do my best to get the review up as soon as I can. You will get two emails from me after the book/s have been sent. One to say that I have started reading the book and an estimation of when the review will go up. The second one will contain the link to the review.
  2. If you would like specific content such as Q&A's and specific videos that you would like me to make to promote your books, I need to know prior to me reading. 
    • If you wish to add any specific content after we have discussed time periods then be aware that this can add up to a month to that posting time
    • Please note that I will ask you to join my segment called Author Spotlight. You are more than welcome to decline.
  3. At the moment I live in South Africa, which means if you do intend on sending me physical copies of your book, normal mail takes two or three months to arrive in the post office and then a week or two for me to receive the collection slip. Please be aware of this time frame. 
    • My postal address is as follows:          PO Box 1463
      Allen's Nek
      South Africa
  4. However if you wish to send me an eBook then the eBook must be in the .mobi format. Or any format that can be read on a Kindle
  5. If the book you have asked me to review is an arc and you need the posts to be up on a certain date, then let me know in the first email you have sent me. This is incredibly important as I plan my TBR a month in advance.
  6. You will need to tell me if I need to promote the book on all my social medias (which will be linked down below).

But if you still need more information then please read down below!

Now that all that business if finished, I am going to discuss how I format my reviews. Please note that if there is a specific element you would like me to add then you would need to discuss that with me.
  1. I always add the synopsis to the books, not only does it notify my readers what book I read but it will also give them an opportunity to see if they like the book.
  2. I discuss my thoughts before going into this book. This can range from a short sentence to more than a paragraph. It all depends on both the novel and how I felt prior to starting the books.
  3. I then discuss how the writing style was for more
    • I look at flow. (How easy was the book to get into)(How long did it take for me to read the book)
    • I then look at the sentence structure. This adds onto flow in some cases but I look at how much of the book didn't make sense to me and so on
    • I look at the diction used. If I have to keep a dictionary with me at all times or if it is simple conversational diction.
  4. I also look at the plot
    • Is the plot original
    • Does it borrow too much from popular books
    • does the world make sense
    • Is it interesting?
    • Is the synopsis and the plot different from one another
    • Each of these things play a big role in my rating
  5. Characters are super important to me. For me they make or break the story
    • I look at their traits
    • How they contribute to the book
    • Are they too stereotypical?Or are they too bland?
    • Do their traits contradict
    • Is there some form of development from the beginning of the novel to the end?
  6. Then lastly my final thoughts
    • This is where I talk about what I got from the book and if I recommend it and so on. This is also the point where if there are certain promotional elements such as giveaways and other elements will be mentioned. (Once again this needs to be discussed before hand)
Below are some questions I would like answered in the email, just so that I can allocate my time accordingly to interest both you and I.
    • Name of Author
    • Author Goodreads Page/ Website
    • Novel/s Title:
    • Novel/s Genre:
    • Novel Blurb (if it is a series insert only the first book's blurb)
    • How many pages is the novel (if it is a series include each books pages separately)
    • Amazon Link
    • Any specifics that need to be noted
      • Signings 
      • Special Events 
      • Etc
I will send a link to all the posts I made on your book.

All the links to my social medias:
  •  Twitter
  • Instagram
    • Instagram is a great option if you want to reach over 800 people and if you send a physical book
  • YouTube

If you have any further questions on my review policy please let me know by sending me an email at

Yours in Reading,


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