Just Kill Me Review

Author: Adam Selzer
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: 29 August 2017
Source: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
Rating: 2.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 09 October 2017 - 10 October 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Megan Henske isn't one to heed warnings...
When the last letters in her alphabet cereal are D, I and E, she doesn't crawl right back into bed.
When her online girlfriend won't text a photo, she just sends more of herself.
And when she realises that Cynthia, her boss at a Chicago ghost tour company, isn't joking about making stops more haunted by euthanising people there, she doesn't quit her job - she may even help.
But soon she learns people in the murdermonger industry are being murdered, and doesn't know who is doing it. Could it be the head of the rival tour company? Or could it be someone near and dear to Megan?
After she realises she has an uncanny resemblance,blace to a flapper who disappears in 1922, Megan received a warning she can't ignore: the next ghost on the tour might be her...
Book Review:
Pre-Reading Thoughts:
This book sounds like it is going to be one interesting ride. I definitely think that humour will play role and that this book will address certain themes. I haven't heard much bout this book but when I read the synopsis, I just knew that I had to pick this book up.
Thank you so much to Jonathan Ball Publishers for providing me with a copy of this book! Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I would describe the writing in this book as average and a little difficult to read at times. It has all the right technical aspects but it lacks the humour that the author seems to have. The writing also seems odd at times. The dialogue, emails and the text messages were fun and interesting. They seemed to create the perfect break between the difficulty writing and the boring plot.
Plot Thoughts:
The synopsis ended up being somewhat deceiving. Whilst the events did occur, they don't occur as you were told they would. The was also extremely slow and frankly kind of boring. One of the interesting things was that we were taught some pretty cool words a long the way. This book was a case of a little too late. Things really started to get interesting in the last one hundred pages.
Character Thoughts:
Megan is built up to be this person who doesn't shy away from darker topics or even the topic of death. I felt that although she was an interesting character, she fell flat. She had interesting passions but there wasn't enough to substantiate her.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I think this book is a huge hit and miss for me. It could be that I had hyped this book up way too much. At the end of the day, I didn't really enjoy this book. I struggled to get into the writing and the plot was slow and boring. Nothing happened until the last one hundred pages. I constantly dreaded picking up this book. I was hoping for so much more. Thank you so much to Jonathan Ball Publishers for providing me with a copy of this book!
Yours in Reading,
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