Eliza and Her Monsters Review

Author: Francesca Zappia
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Publication Date: 30 May 2017
Source: Purchased (from Takealot)
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 385
Rating: 4.75 Stars
Reading Timeline: 19 October 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Her story is a phenomenon. Her life is a disaster.
In the reads world, Eliza Mirk is shy, weird, and friendless.
Online, she's LadyConsetellation, the anonymous creator of the wildly popular webcomic Monstrous Sea. Eliza can't imagine enjoying the real world as much as she loves the online one, and she has no desire to try.
Then Wallace Warland, Monstrous Sea's biggest fanficition writer, transfers to her school. Wallace thinks Eliza is just another fan, and as he draws her out of her shell, she beings to wonder if a life offline might be worthwhile.
But when Eliza's secret is accidentally shared with the world, everything she's built - her story, her relationship with Wallace, and even her sanity - begins to fall apart.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I recently became part of a new book club called Topping the TBR. It is one I created along with some really incredible South African readers. Eliza is our very first book of the month and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us.
I cannot wait to read Eliza. It drew me in from the first day that I read the synopsis and I have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to buy it. The time has finally arrives and whilst waiting an extremely long time for the book to get her, I am so excited to start reading it asap!
Writing Thoughts:
The author's writing really brought out the voice of the main character. I loved the illustrations, I loved how sometimes they were finished pictures and other times they were concept art. I loved how the dialogue was natural and really well done.
Plot Thoughts:
This book felt like it was written for me and I think that everyone feels that way. This book is accessible in every way. It reaches out to people who have anxiety, who are struggling artist, people who have lost someone close to them. This book unfolded slowly but it took you through each and every experience. It makes you feel like you aren't alone.
Character Thoughts:
Eliza felt like a friend that I never had the chance to meet. Eliza felt like she was an extension of myself and most importantly Eliza was a realisation. She made me realise that I wasn't alone. That it is okay to feel certain emotions and to be a certain way. Eliza taught me so much and she showed me a lot too. Eliza is a person you would like to have around because she would understand.
Wallace was a cinnamon roll and I adored him. He made me laugh, he made me smile. He made me realise that perhaps people aren't always supposed to fit like a puzzle piece and sometimes they just fit.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I loved this book. It was a journey of great writing, slow but accessible plot and characters that would sit with me forever. I loved every moment and I would definitely love it if Monstrous Sea became a real novel just like how Carry On became one. I am so happy that I got to pick this book up for this month's Topping the TBR book of the month!
Yours in Reading,
Umm yes!! I agree with all you just said. They’re my new precious friends that I will protect *charges into battle on horseback to save lives*