A Merchant in Oria Review

Author: David Wiley
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: OWS Ink, LCC
Publication Date: 27 April 2017
Source: Author/Publisher
Format: Ebook
Pages: 64
Rating: 4.5
Reading Timeline: 10 May 2017 - 11 May 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Firion is a young merchant descended from generations of merchants. His first high break comes along when he sets out to trade with the wealthy Dwarves kingdom of Oria. He has always dreamed of visiting this grand kingdom, having heard his father describe it in detail a hundred times while he was younger. But when Firion arrives in Oria, he is jarred by the detailed present that contradict with the image etched in his mind. Something dark and sinister seems afoot in Oria, But Firion knows he is no hero. He is just a simple merchant, and what can an ordinary person do in the face of danger and deception?
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I cannot wait to jump into this book. It is short and looks sweet. The only concern I have before jumping in is one that is quite common amongst short books. That is when the blurb is pretty much a summary of the whole book except the ending. I am hoping that that isn't the case with this book, but we will definitely see! Thank you so much to the Author and Publishing company for sending me this book to review. I am excited! Please note that in no way has receiving this book affected my opinions. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The writing was super easy to read and get into. There was enough dialogue to stop the short book from being too much.
Plot Thoughts:
Whilst the synopsis pretty much summarizes the first twenty odd pages but there are still some things that aren't included. The book was super quick to get through but super interesting as well. There was a nice and steady pace. The book ended in its own time which was great because it didn't feel forced or like it ended too quickly.
Character Thoughts:
Due to the fact that there wasn't a lot of character development, I can't really say much other than that I really enjoyed Firion our main character. Although we only see a glimpse of who he truly is in this short novel, I thought that he was a great character that had a lot of potential.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I thought that this was a great book. There was some humor here and there and a little bit of action towards the end. I really thought that this was a great read. I highly recommend it if you are looking for something interesting and quick. I loved the world that the author created and really hope that he builds the world further at some point because this whole story has so much potential to be a lot more. With that being said, thank you so much to the Author and his publishing company for sending me a copy of this book.
Yours in Reading,
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