Halfway Bitten Review

Title: Halfway Bitten
Author: Terry Maggert
Series: Halfway Witchy #2
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 09 February 2016
Source: Sent by the Author
Format: Ebook+ Paperback
Pages: 264
Rating: 4 stars
Reading Time Line: 10 September 2016- 10 September 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
Take a bite out of evil.
The circus cam to Halfway and they brought the weird. When clowns, vampires and corpses start piling up in town, Carlie had to break away from her boyfriend, Wulfric, to bring her witchy skills to the table- or grill, as the case may be. When the body of a young woman washed up in the lake, it unleashes a spiral of mystery that will bring Carlie, Gran and Wulfric into a storm of magical warfare. Spells will fly. Curses will rain. Amidst it all, Carlie will make waffles, protect her town and find out if a man from the distant past can join her in happy ever after. With love and honor at stake, Carlie has no peer.
Book Review:
Pre-reading thoughts:
I received this book from the author in May and it had taken me some time to get to reading and reviewing it. But here it is. This is the second book in the series so if you have yet to pick up the first one but don't know if you want to, you can find my review for that here
Writing thoughts:
There has definitely been some development between the first book and this one. I just flew through this book in less than three hours and I think the credit belongs both to the plot and the actual flow of the book.
Plot Thoughts:
In the beginning, there was an unnecessary re-introduction and explanation of what happened in the last book. It was way too detailed but in the same note, it was refreshing because I read the first book a couple of months ago.
Wulfric's part in the book was well timed and was never a driving force for the story which was amazing. There was a great build in tempo throughout the book. All the small incidents and scenes added a little more to the growing tension and suspense in the book.
I felt that this book was a great continuation of the series. It was absolutely superb. It did follow the same story arc as the first book but in this case, it lended itself to the story quite well.
I know this review was super short and probably not my best but I hope you found it helpful in some way or another.
Yours in Reading,
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