January 2017 Wrap-Up
Oh my gosh... I ended this month with more books than I should have... If you haven't seen my Instagram post or my Youtube Video, then you can see all of the books I read down below. Please be aware that on certain books I will round up from .5 onwards and I will be linking all of the reviews to the books where it is relevant! Feel free to share your wrap-ups with me because I love watching those...
I read this book right in the beginning of the month whilst I was still on holiday. This means that I was able to review it. Please be aware that the author sent my friends and I a copy of this books so that we could review it. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here.

I was so excited for this book. There was so much hyper surrounding it in terms of the hardback cover. Unfortunately I was let down by this books. It just didn't feel the same as her other books. I do have a review up of this book so be sure to check it out if you want to see what my thoughts are. You can find that here

I got this book because this one bookstagramer really enjoyed this book and promoted the book. It was also free so I didn't worry too much about spending money. Nelou is an indie author and she designs her own book covers! I really enjoyed this book. It was super interesting and had a way of tying the loose ends together whilst still leaving some untied so that you don't loose interest. I have a review up for this book and you can find that here

It is no secret that I love SJM. She is a queen and I love all the books that she writes. This book was no exception to that rule. I really loved this book compared to the first one. My review for this book will be up soon so be sure to keep your eye out if you are interested!

I read this book in preparation for the third book's blog tour. I loved the first book in the series, The Midnight Sea and I just couldn't wait to jump into this one. Sadly this one wasn't as good as the first one but I still really enjoyed reading it. Please be aware that Xpresso Book Tours sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

I don't have much to say on this book besides that I was really disappointed by the book. I wished I could have loved it more but I just didn't. Please be aware that Month9books sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

I enjoyed this book but once again, the first book was way better. I was really sad when the series ended and wish that there could be more books in this world. Please be aware that Xpresso Book Tours sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

I received this book so that I could participate in the release blog tour. I continued on with this series for that very fact. I really did not enjoy this book. In fact, I didn't even finish this book. Please be aware that Month9books sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting and action packed! And definitely not something that I expected. Please be aware that the author sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

Be warned, my love for this book is unconditional and you can't tell me any different. This book is absolute perfection. You should all read this book. It is just amazing! You will not regret buying this book. I promise! I don't have a new review up for this just yet but you will find one close to the release date of the second book! I promise!

In a Gilded Cage by Mia Kerick - 4 Stars
I loved this book. It was just amazing! I really enjoyed everything of this book. Please be aware that there is sexual content and I do not advise for younger readers. Please be aware that Xpresso Book Tours sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here

I don't generally read SciFi but this book was really good! I really loved reading Jason's story. It is probably the best book to read if you want to get into the SciFi genre. Please be aware that the author sent me a copy of this book. In no way has reviewing this book affected my opinions on the book. All thoughts are my own. And you can find those thoughts here
And that is the end of my Wrap-Up! Be sure to check in daily for new posts and reviews! I tend to push out a lot when I least expect it! Thank you for a good start to the year! Now for February! My TBR will be up shortly!
Yours in Reading,
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