Switched Review

Author: Amanda Hocking
Series: Trylle #1
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: 03 January 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 09 July 2016- 09 July 2016
Goodreads Synopsis:
When Wendy Everly was six-years-old, her mother was convinced that she was a monster and tried to kill her. It isn't until eleven years later that Wendy finds out her mother might've been telling the truth. With the help of Finn Holmes, Wendy finds herself in a world she never knew existed- and it's one she's not sure if she wants to be part of.
Book Review:
Pre- reading thoughts:
This was a reread for me. I reread this book during the Cramathon. I don't know what else to say other than that I am super excited to jump back into this world and see some very attractive people once more.
I forgot how super easy it was to get into this book. It's fast pace and unique writing style definitely sped the book onward. The unique writing style also kept me on my toes and erased any boredom that I might have experienced during the reread. Honestly, I wish the pages didn't fly by so fast. I wish I could just keep reading Amanda's works over and over every day.
Trolls/Trylle is a super unique story to write about. Usually people think of trolls as these ugly things in fairy tales and not the actual princess/princes of the story. *insert heart eye emoji* Murderous parents. That has got to be one of the most interesting things someone can write about, even if it was just for a couple of pages. I definitely think that the magical abilities that come with being a trylle was a really great add on. It allowed for more separation between manks and trylle. The romance in the novel wasn't the main plot but it was a strong driving force in getting the story to move forward. I loved the idea and the effortlessness of the world of the Trylle already existing on the earth plane.
Wendy is first seen as this spoiled brat who is super annoying with her antics, but slowly over time we are able to see her better qualities come to light. She is one hell of a strong minded character and I loved this about her. This allowed her not to give easily to the wonders of a new world much like old stories but instead it allowed her to resist the temptation of falling for the surface of the Trylle world. She is extremely family orientated. I know some people will fight me on this but the way she considers her family before she does anything too drastic is super important to this trait. The only problem that I had with her was that she fell way too quickly for guys.
Finn Holmes is incredible hot... need I say more? I had some bigger bones to pick with him. He was a little too hot and cold sometimes and I felt like that was a bit unnecessary. However I enjoyed the way his character developed.
Matt... Sweet older brother mat. He was super caring and gave up everything to make sure that Wendy was safe and I think that is something positively admirable of him.
Ugh. Elora. She is by far my least favorite character, she had this uncalled for coldness in her which made me more upset than anything else.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I loved the book. It still baffles me why I only gave this book 4/5 stars in the beginning. It is such a great YA Fiction series and is definitely something I would recommend if someone wanted to be introduced to this genre. A must read and buy author for me!
Yours in Reading,
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