The Death Knock Review

Title: The Death Knock
Author: Elodie Harper
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Mulholland Books
Publication Date: 14 June 2018
Source: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Format: Hardback
Pages: 313
Rating: 2.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 03 October 2018 - 07 October 2018

Goodreads Synopsis:

Three women have been found dead in East Anglia. The police deny a connection. TV news reporter Frankie smells a story...
Ava knows that the threat is real. She's been kidnapped by someone claiming to be the killer: a stranger who seems to know everything about her.
As Frankie follows the case, she enters a terrifying online world where men's rage against women may be turning murderous - and where her persistence might just make her a target. And Ava must struggle not only to stay alive... but to stay sane.

Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:

This book absolutely perfect for #Thrilltober because it is not only short but it sounds like it is going to be an intense story.

Thank you so much to Jonathan Ball Publisher for sending me a copy of this book. Just a quick disclaimer for those reading this review! I have received this book for free. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.

Writing Thoughts:

I felt as if the pacing in the writing was off. There was little to no tension build up. Whatever tension could be found in the words, seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wasn't enough to carry on through to the next moment. 

Plot Thoughts:

The plot wasn't too bad. I liked how it addressed certain topics. I think it is fair to say that I didn't guess the killer and was surprised to see who it was. With that being said, it felt as if the author didn't want to leave any clues for the readers to try and guess who he was based on his actions. The author did a good job of providing an endless supply of suspects but beyond that, I felt as if the story didn't really develop at a good pace. A lot of moments felt as if they were stretched out and almost unnecessary.

Character Thoughts:

 Frankie seemed like a character who preferred to do things a certain way. She took people's feelings into account when she was busy doing her job. However, I felt as if she didn't have a strong presence on the page. She lacked something to make her stand out. 

Final Thoughts:

Overall, this book was disappointing. It lacked the tension build up and the pacing in the writing was slightly off. I got to the point where I just wanted to finish this book and move one. It dragged so much to the end for me. I was expecting a bit more from it but it didn't reach my expectations. This just ended up being one of those books not meant for me. Thank you so much to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending me a copy of this book to review.

Yours in Reading,


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