One of Us is Lying Review

Author: Karen M. McManus
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date:01 June 2017
Source: Penguin Random House South Africa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 360
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 04 September 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Yale hopeful Bronwyn has never publicly broken a rule.
Sports star Cooper only knows what he's doing in the baseball diamond
Bad body Nate is one misstep away from a life of crime.
Prom queen Addy is holding together the cracks in her perfect life.
And outsider Simon, creator of the notorious gossip app at Bayview High, won't ever talk about any of them again.
He dies 24 hours before he could post their deepest secrets online. Investigators conclude it's no accident. All of them are suspects.
Everyone has secrets, right?
What really matters is hoe far you'll go to protect them.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I am excited to say the least. This book sounds like to is going to be one exciting mystery and no one really knows who is the killer until the end. I've heard some really good things about this book and it is an anticipated read of mine. I am so happy that I have the opportunity to dive into it! What really happened to Simon? Let's find out...
Thank you so much to Penguin Random House South Africa for sending me a copy of this book! Just a small little disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. No money on my behalf has been spent in acquiring this book. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I didn't like the writing in this book. I can't tell you what it was but we weren't best friends.
I thought that the multiple point of views was well done but I would have preferred if each point of view was split into chapters (I know that it wouldn't be practical) but I found that my eyes would skip over whose point of view it is every now and again, forcing me to go back and look. But at the end of the day that is just a preference.
Plot Thoughts:
I am not going to lie, this book was addictive. All you want to do is found out who killed Simon. Secrets are coming out making each person look individually guilty but even when you are sure that your favourite character is not, you doubt yourself. This book is packed with intrigue.
However, as much as I loved the plot, there were some problematic elements . One of which was Addy's mother. She is set up to be the bad mother but at the end of the day what she says is problematic and there is no denying.
(Spoiler up head)
This book outs a closeted gay character without his consent and there are no repercussions. This is never okay. If a person is not ready, they are not ready.
Character Thoughts:
I liked each and every character. I thought they were beautifully flawed and were accessible. I loved the person Addy became and who Nate grew to be. This book had a tonne of character development. I really liked this cast of characters and would not mind reading this book again just for the characters.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I really liked this book. I did not like the writing and I acknowledge that there were some problematic elements in this book but at the end of the day I loved the plot. The plot was addictive and the characters were amazing. I really enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much to Penguin Random House South Africa for providing me with a copy of the book!
Yours in Reading,
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