Dragon Redeemer Review

Author: Amy Bearce
Series: World of Aluvia #3
Publisher: Curiosity Quills Press
Publication Date: 23 May 2017
Source: Publisher
Format: E-book
Pages: 220
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 18 June 2017 - 19 June 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Four years have passed since a fairy swarm released the voice of prophecy in Nell Brennan. In that painful moment, a skilled warrior became a reluctant leader and defender of Aluvia's magic. Now a new enemy threatens their still fragile lands, one Nell feels powerless to stop even with help from the voice within her.
A mysterious dark alchemist from the Ice-Locked Lands is rising to power on the strength go his sword arm and an ice-breathing dragon obedient to his command. He promises unlimited magic to his followers and death to those who defy him. if he takes over the ports, his corrupt elixirs will disrupt the delicate balance of peace between Aluvia's people and all magical creatures.
The voice of prophecy sends Nell and her friends to their enemy's treacherous domain to find a sword of legend. Only the swords magic can precent a return to a world of dying fairies and caged jerrold. But Nell's up against the toughest foe she's ever faced. In order to defeat him, she must mater the unimaginable power of the sword - and the unwanted magic insider herself.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I AM SO READY FOR THIS BOOK! I AM SO READY TO READ ABOUT NELL. CAN YOU TELL THAT I AM EXCITED? I have been dying to read this book for a while now because, my gosh that cover it just gorgeous. I seriously cannot get over have amazing it looks. Back to Nell. We read about her in the first book Fairy Keeper but we didn't really get to know her. But now! In this book we get to and I am so happy!
Thank you so much to Curiosity Quills Press for sending me a copy of this book. Just a quick thing to note; I have received this book at no costs of my own in exchange for an honest review. With that being said, please note that in no way has receiving this book affected my opinions. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The first thing I thought when I read the book for the first time was woah. The author's writing style has gone from something that can be compared a sort-of-beginner novelist to a full blown, I have written 500 books and I am famous love me writing style. It has just gotten better over time and I am in love! The writing is just amazing. Just enough description for me to see the world but not too much where it is at the point where I am getting headaches from reading a sentences. The author has definitely fine-tuned her writing even more from the previous book and I am so happy!
Plot Thoughts:
The plot to this book was just superb. However there were moments where I thought it was predictable. I enjoyed this book none the less. I don't know how, but Bearce has an even better thought out plot than in any of her other books. There was more structure and more foreshadowing to a lot of things. I was definitely impressed with the development that Bearce's story arc underwent.
Character Thoughts:
To see the difference between small fourteen-year-old Nell and nineteen-year-old Nell is just amazing. Even without physically going through a character arc in front of our eyes, Nell has definitely become a better character. Just reading from her perspective is great. I really enjoyed because despite having interests in different things, it clear to see that Nell is an accessible flawed character that wants something but she can't really have it.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I thought that this book was just incredible. I absolutely had a ball with this book and could honestly hardly put it down. Whenever I looked at the time and realized that I should probably stop reading the book and study, I convince myself that one more chapter would do it. But it never really did. I was really happy with the development that the writing style, story arc and characters underwent. Thank you to Curiosity Quills Press for sending me a copy of this book! I am so so happy that you sent it my way!
Yours in Reading,
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