February 2017 Wrap-Up
I actually had a pretty fantastic month if I could say so myself! I read a lot which was surprising as it didn't feel like that and I think that that is actually due to the fact that I read a tonne of e-books. Oh my gosh... That was a lot of thats. Well without further or do, let's get on to my amazing wrap-up!
Just a quick note, I won't be saying much about the book if there is a review for it! So be sure to check out the hyperlinked words if you are interested in a review!
People are Living There by Athol Fugard 4 Stars

I really enjoyed this play. It was part of my Dramatic Arts set works but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I loved the other outlook it gave on apartheid. Athol Fugard is incredibly well known for his plays which brought forth the struggle that black people endured in the totalitarian apartheid regime, however, a lot of the people who followed his plays close were quite amazed to see that this specific does not deal with the struggle of black people. Instead the play focused on a more existentialism. All of the characters were inspired by people he knew and he even based on character on himself and that was Don. Overall I really enjoyed this play!

I have a review for this up on my blog... It can be found here. But overall, I thought that it was quite average compared to a lot of the books that I had been reading.
I really enjoyed this book. You can find my review for this book here. I think that this book is a perfect introduction to the fantasy genre and would highly recommend it if you are interested in entering the genre some time soon
I loved the concept of this book. It was intriguing and kept me on my toes constantly. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. You can find my full review of this book here.
I had such high expectations for this book and I was sadly let down. However, this book was still enjoyable and you can find my full review here.
I adored this cute little novella. It was an absolutely adorable read.
I loved this book and the message that it carried. All the expectations that I had for Revelations were found in this book. You can find my full review of this book here.
This book was such a great continuation of the first book, Omen Operation. I really loved this series. It is quite unexpected but it is amazing. You can find my full review for this book here!
This book was super short but really entertaining. You can find my full review for this here!
Thank you for joining me! I can't wait to see what I am going to get through in March! It is pretty exciting! My TBR will be up soon, don't really know when but hopefully before next week...
Yours in Reading,
Melleny Smith
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