Between the Blade and the Heart Review

Author: Amanda Hocking
Series: Valkyrie #1
Publisher: Pan Macmillan UK
Publication Date: 02 January 2018
Source: Pan Macmillan South Africa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 392
Rating: 4.75 Stars
Reading Timeline: 01 August 2018 - 03 August 2018
Goodreads Synopsis:
Malin is a Valkyrie-in-training. It’s her responsibility to slay immortals, returning them to the afterlife to maintain balance in the world. She also struggles to maintain balance in her own life – between her studies, her duties as a Valkyrie and her conflicting feelings for her ex-girlfriend.
But when a beguiling stranger breaks into her home on a quest for vengeance, Malin’s carefully balanced life falls apart. Asher is hunting the rogue immortal who murdered his mother, and he thinks Malin may have information. Her loyalties are tested, as she uncovers a betrayal that unravels everything she thought she knew. And she must decide if helping the mysterious Asher enact his revenge is worth the risk – to the world, and to her heart.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I love Amanda Hocking. I know I start every review of an Amanda Hocking book like this but I think that it is an important fact to announce. So when I found out that she wrote a book not only about Norse Mythology but featuring a bi character, I just knew that I had to get my hands on this one. I am so ashamed that it has taken me so long to get to it.
Thank you so much to Pan Macmillan South Africa for providing me with a copy of this book. Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I really enjoyed the writing in this book. It felt like the voice in Hocking's writing seemed to mature. Everything flowed in a velvet-like fashion and it drew me into the story. The dialogue was interesting and carried awkwardness in the right parts. The detail wasn't overpowering or lacking. This writing appeared well balanced.
Plot Thoughts:
I loved the plot! It was slow burning and perfect. It carried a lot of emotion and action which really worked with the story. I loved how we got a little bit of Norse mythology in this book and you could definitely see how most of it comes from research. I really enjoyed the awkward moments between the old love interest and the main character and the new love interest and the main character. I think that it reflects reality quite well to some extents.
Character Thoughts:
I loved our main character. She felt so real. I found her quite accessible and I enjoyed her emotional conflict. I think that it represents what we go through quite well because personally, I never know how I should truly feel in certain situations. I thought that the other characters were well developed and I loved how everyone had an active role to play.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I loved this new series by Hocking. I think that this allows her a great transition into something that is an almost new adult but it still carries some young adult elements. I really enjoyed the writing because it was balanced and more mature than her previous books. The plot was amazing. It was slow burning and had a great mix of everything that I enjoyed. The main character was accessible and the other characters were well developed. I am so excited to see what Hocking does next in this series and I am most definitely ready to read the next book. Thank you so much to Pan Macmillan South Africa for providing me with a copy of this book!
Yours in Reading,
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