Nevernight Review

Author: Jay Kristoff
Series: The Nevernight Chronicle #1
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: 11 August 2016
Source: Purchased
Format: Ebook
Pages: 448
Rating: 5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 14 December 2017 - 16 December 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Destined to destroy empires, Mia Covere is only ten years old when she is given her first lesson in death.
Six years later, the child raised in shadows takes her first steps towards keeping the promised she made on the day that she lost everything.
But the chance to strike against such powerful enemies will be fleeting, so if she is to have her revenge, Mia must become a weapon without equal. She must prove herself against the deadliest of friends and enemies, and survival the tutelage of murderers, liars and demons at the heart of a murder cult.
The Red Church is no Hogwarts, but Mia is no ordinary student. The shadows love her. And they drink her fear.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I have heard really amazing things about Jay Kristoff, but I wasn't sure where to start. After much consideration and jumping back and forth, I decided to start this one because I love stories about assassins. I love the premise of this book and I cannot wait to start buddy reading this with Moonlight Books!
Writing Thoughts:
The writing in this book was really good. The detail and just the art of it was amazing. The book is told through two separate timelines. The past and the present. The similarities that can be drawn between the timelines, especially in the beginning, is just incredible. I loved the dialogue. The wit and the humour in the dialogue was also just incredible. I loved the writing so much.
Plot Thoughts:
The pacing in this book is slow but by no means is it boring. I loved how full of action this book was. I also loved how this book played with your mind. The mystery of the who the killer was was done incredibly. I had no idea who it was and when I found out, I was so damn surprised. I really liked how we got to see the training that the acolytes got. It allowed me to fully immerse myself in the world.
Character Thoughts:
Mia is my new favourite assassin. I mean honestly. She was flawed and interesting. Full of wit and compassion when the occasion called for it. And don't get me started on Mister Kindly. I loved him way more than I should but honestly, I would not mind having him if I was a darkin. I loved the characters in this book. They were fleshed out so well and they were real, tangible even.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, this book has set a new standard for fantasy. If you haven't read this book yet, then you definitely need to. Jay Kristoff is a master of words, plot and characters. I loved the writing that allowed me to see the world vividly. The detail spoke volumes to me. The plot was slow and captivating. The characters were flawed and beautiful, each full of their own secrets and mysteries. To say I enjoyed this book would be a very toned down version of my thoughts. I have no idea as to why it took my slow, long to pick this book up, but I am really glad that I finally did. I cannot wait to read Godsgrave.
Yours in Reading,
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