The Saint Jude Rules Review

Author: Dominic Adler
Series: Cal Winter #3
Publisher: Thistle Publishing
Publication Date: 04 May 2017
Source: Publisher
Format: E-book
Pages: Not Available
Rating: 3 Stars
Reading Timeline: 26 April 2017 - 27 April 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Penniless and desperate, Cal Winter is coerced into working for a band of freelance paramilitaries known as The Firm. After a decade of deniable killing, he plots revenge. Armed with a secret file of The Firm's dirtiest secrets, Winter returns to London. There he discovers the organization has evolved into something even worse...
Winter assembles a careworn team of The Firm's cast-offs and misfits. Their enemy: a ruthless warrior elite, information warfare specialists battled-honed in the West's 'Forever Wars.'
From Iceland to the City of London, to the lonely marshes of England's southern coast, Winter must stop The Firm. Not just to dace the country he once scorned, but to fulfill his vow to be a better man.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
A couple of days ago, I was contacted by the publishing company to review this book. I agreed and was pretty intrigued to see how I would find this book. I love movies and games that are similar to what this book sounds like and now I would like to see if I would like reading about this as well. Thank you so much to Thistle Publishing for sending me this book! I cannot wait to jump into it! Please note that in no way has receiving this book affected my opinion. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The writing in this book is super distracting and really tough to get into. I struggled and struggled to get used to all of the army jargon and the straight forwardness of the writing. It just didn't work with me. I had to keep rereading sentences over and over because they wouldn't sink in. I really wish that I could get into this writing style but just didn't happen for me. This impacted my overall rating of this book and my overall enjoyment.
Plot Thoughts:
This book played out exactly how those action films about secret agents and a private company do. I really enjoyed this. Everything had a meaning and a place and honestly I really enjoyed this. I loved how the plot slowly unravelled and the small twists that kept the characters going. I loved how full of action this book was. It was everything I expected and a little bit more as well.
Character Thoughts:
Winter's exactly how you would expect him to be. He has a dark unmentionable past and some things that really put him edge. He is methodical and just full of swear words. Everything you can expect from someone in the black ops, he was that. I loved how he worked with his characteristics. They didn't seem abnormal or strange. It was honestly quite pleasing.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It played out like some of my favorite action films and it was probably one of the best experiences except for the writing style that stopped me from truly getting into the story. Everything was working so well together, the plot was interesting and the characters were brutish and cold about certain things, except the writing really just stopped the story from really gelling together for me. But other than that, I really enjoyed this book. Thank you so much to Thistle Publishing for sending me this book to review!
Yours in Reading,
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