Rehumanized Drew Review

Author: K.M Baginski
Series: Windstalker
Publisher: Self-published (I believe, could be wrong)
Publication Date: 07 May 2017
Source: Author
Format: E-book
Pages: 222
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 04 May 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Drew Royce was a lot of things he didn't want to be. A murderer, rapist and ex- Windstalker. His humanity was poorly spent; and all he has after his taste of the supernatural is a battered and ignored soul. The weight of his actions visit him each night as proof he must still be alive. But now, even as an abducted criminal, kept ward by an evolved Nephilim race and used as a weapon against their enemy, he still has to defeat the beat who stole his humanity - himself
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I so ready to jump into this story. It's synopsis is short and sweet but enough to pull you in to see what happens. I cannot wait to see who the Nephilim's enemy is and if he actually defeats himself. Thank you Jenny for sending me a copy of Kisa's book! I am ready to see what happens to Drew! Please note that in no way has receiving this book affected my opinion. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
There writing was super easy to get into. I would read one sentence and then find myself a 10% into the book. It was really nice and relaxing seeing as I was pushing to get through this book. I loved how easy breezy it felt. I also believe that the author was showing us rather than telling but every now and again she switches to telling. But I didn't find that to be a problem. The book jumps between point of views every now and again so if you don't like a steady point of view then I would be a bit wary of this story. I found that the multiple povs really helped to give the story a bit of dimension and depth.
Plot Thoughts:
This plot was so good! I was told that you don't have to read the other book (Windstalker: Awareness) but I do feel that if you read the other book then this one, it will just make the transitioning process easier. Other than that, I loved this book! I thought that it was really interesting and even though you could kind of see where the book was going, there was no way to decipher when what will happen. I loved that sense of unpredictable predictability. Everything was just so interesting and honestly, I love the original concept of the Windstalkers.
Character Thoughts:
Drew is a character who has to deal with a past he doesn't really remember but it haunts him. He has a guilty conscious that keeps him from remembering what he is and who he is. Drew was a pretty decent character. One minute he was odd and detached but bring in a puppy and I promise you he will be filled with emotions like no tomorrow. I enjoyed reading from his point of view.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I was unexpectedly blown away by this book. I really enjoyed everything about it. It was a nice and easy read that helped with giving me a bit more reading juice. It was also unique and interesting. I was definitely surprised by this book and that always makes me happy. I am so happy and grateful that Jenny sent me this book! I really enjoyed this!
Kisa Baginski is a middle school science teacher and the author of the Windstalker Series. Rehumanized Drew ( 07 May 2017) is a spinoff novella from Baginski's debut novel, Windstalker: Awareness, and follows the plight of a man in his early 20s, Drew Royce. After turning into a "Windstalker"- a Nephilim subspecies who can transform into air/wind in order to feed on human organs for survival - Drew has managed to become human again, which forces him into hiding. Haunted by his disturbing actions as a Windstalker, Drew must decide between casting more harm to the human world or hiding out until death finds him.
About the Author:

Yours in Reading,
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