Lokal is Lekker: Blood on Her Hands

Title: Blood on Her Hands: South Africa's Most Notorious Female Killers
Author: Tanya Farber
Publisher: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Publication Date: 21 June 2019
Source: Jonathan Ball Publishers
Format: Trade Paperback
Pages: 272
Rating: 4 Stars

Goodreads Synopsis:

In Blood on Her Hands, award-winning journalist Tanya Farber investigates the lives, minds and motivation of some of South Africa's most notorious female murderers, from the poisonous nurse Daisy de Melker, to the privileged but deeply disturbed Najwa Peterson, to the mysterious Joey Haaroff, who died before revealing the fate of her victims. Written in a style lighter than the subject matter might suggest, Blood on Her Hands will keep you reading until late at night. 

Book Review:

Blood on Her Hands is one of the few non-fiction books that I could not stop thinking about. Farber does an amazing job of setting up the crime, allowing the reader to get a feel for what might have been going through the killer's mind before the crime was committed. I liked the balance between fact and speculation. The writing was accessible and kept me invested in the cases.  The cases chosen often left me with chills running down my spine. There were times where I had to put the book down as it can be difficult to digest. Highly recommend this to any and all true crime fans. This is also a great starting point for those interested in reading true crime. Thank you so much to Jonathan Ball Publishers for providing me with a copy of this book. Please note that this does not affect my opinion. All thoughts are my own.

Boek Resensie:

Blood on Her Hands is een van die min nie-fiksie boeke waaroor ek nie kon ophou dink nie. Faber doen 'n uitstekende taak met die beplanning van die misdaad; soveel so dat die leser dit uit die misdadiger se oogpunt beleef deur een te word met hom. Daar is 'n goeie balans tussen feite en bespiegeling. Die skryfstyl is maklik om te volg en ek kon myself inleef in die misdade. Meer dikwels as nie het die misdade my koue rillings gegee. Met tye kon ek nie verder lees nie aangesien dit te moelik was om te verteer. Ek beveel dit ten sterkste aan vir lesers wat van ware misdaad intriges hou. Dankie aan Jonathan Ball Uitgewers wat aan my 'n kopie van die boek beskikbaar gestel het. My opinie is suiwer my eie en is geensins deur bogenoemde beinvloed nie.

Yours in Reading,


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