Breathing Water Review

Title: Breathing Water
Author: S.R. Atkinson
Series: Siren Anthology #1
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: 28 May 2015
Source: Smith Publicity
Format: Paperback
Pages: 406
Rating: 3 Stars

Goodreads Synopsis:

Returning to the ocean could mean returning home, returning to the unlikely friends and family who filled Santi’s childhood, and returning to the magic little girls only dream of. But it could also mean returning to the devastation and death she witnessed six years ago. Now at eighteen, with the mysteries of the ocean a distant memory, Santi must overcome her fears to find out what became of her beloved friend Rogan, his family, and an entire world of mythical creatures. But will she find the ocean as welcoming as when she was a child? 

Book Review:
Pre-Reading Thoughts:

I sometimes find that I do not read enough mermaid books. I also feel as though there are never enough mermaid/siren books out there and they are some of my favourite fairytale creatures. I was so excited when Smith Publicity contacted me to ask if I would like to read this series and I just couldn't say no. 

Thank you so much to Smith Publicity for providing me with a copy of this book. Just a quick disclaimer for those reading this review, I have received this book for free. Please note that this does not affect my opinions in any way. All thoughts are my own. 

Writing Thoughts:

The writing was tough to get into in the beginning but once the introductions of the world were done, things flowed a lot better. I felt like there was a lot of information being dumped at one time and there weren't enough action moments to break this up. 

Plot Thoughts:

I really enjoyed Santi's story. It was filled with all the elements that I enjoy reading in a more low-key easy fantasy. However, I did not like the second plot/ timeline that was included. I felt like it threw me off of the book because I didn't want to read about the past in this book. I would have preferred it to be a novella and simply have the events referenced. With that being said, the ending definitely brought all of the loose ends together and left me interested in finding out where Santi's story will go next.

Overall Thoughts:

I didn't get to connect to Santi as much as I would have liked to. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that this book was targeting readers in 2015. I can totally see 2015 me loving this book and devouring it in a couple of hours. It has got some amazing plot points and the world is interesting but 2019 me felt disconnected whilst reading this book. However, despite that, I am interested in continuing with this series. It is light and easy to get into which would make it perfect to read in-between heavy fantasies and hard-hitting contemporaries. Thank you so much to Smith Publicity for providing me with a copy of this book!

Yours in Reading,


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