So Much I want to tell you Review

Author: Anna Akana
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Publication Date: 13 June 2017
Sources: Penguin Random House South Africa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 208
Rating: 4.75 Stars
Reading Timeline: 14 November 2017 - 15 November 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
In 2007, Anna Akana lost her teen sister, Kristina, to suicide. In the months that followed, she realized that the one thing helping her process her grief and begin to heal was comedy. So she began making YouTube videos as a form of creative expression and as a way to connect with others. Ten years later, Anna has more than a million subscribers who watch her smart, honest vlogs on her YouTube channel. Her most popular videos, including "How to Put On Your Face" and "Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out," are comical and provocative, but they all share a deeper message: Your worth is determined by you and you alone. You must learn to love yourself.
In So Much I Want to Tell You, Anna opens up about her own struggles with poor self-esteem and reveals both the highs and lows of coming-of-age. She offers fresh, funny, hard-won advice for young women on everything from self-care to money to sex, and she is refreshingly straightforward about the realities of dating, female friendship, and the hustle required to make your dreams come true. This is Anna's story, but, as she says, it belongs just as much to Kristina and to every other girl who must learn that growing up can be hard to do. Witty and real, Anna breaks things down in a way only a big sister can.
In So Much I Want to Tell You, Anna opens up about her own struggles with poor self-esteem and reveals both the highs and lows of coming-of-age. She offers fresh, funny, hard-won advice for young women on everything from self-care to money to sex, and she is refreshingly straightforward about the realities of dating, female friendship, and the hustle required to make your dreams come true. This is Anna's story, but, as she says, it belongs just as much to Kristina and to every other girl who must learn that growing up can be hard to do. Witty and real, Anna breaks things down in a way only a big sister can.
Book Review:
Pre-Reading Thoughts:
I am so excited for this book. I've been meaning to request it for a while now but I wasn't sure if I actually wanted it. But when I watched Anna Akana's video called Take Your Birth Control which just really touched me. I am also interested to see what advice Anna Akana can give as a content creator.
Thank you so much to Penguin Random House South Africa for providing me with a copy of this book! Just a small disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own
Writing Thoughts:
I really enjoyed the writing in this book. It had the same style as Anna's videos. It was quite conversationalist and just easy to read through.
Plot Thoughts:
I really resonated with this book. There were definitely some topics that applied to me and I was able to find certain things that actually helped me a bit. I definitely liked how some topics crossed over but there was a point that it became repetitive. I definitely think that this book is helpful. And I think that people can take at least one or two things from this book.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I really liked this book. It wasn't a typical Youtuber book. It was little more personal and I felt like it wasn't just a book she wrote because someone offered her a book deal. I liked this self-help a lot more than what I liked Arden's book mainly because the topics were a lot more in depth and not as generalised and common. Thank you so much to Penguin Random House South Africa for providing me with a copy fo this book!
Yours in Reading,
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