Trap and Trace Blog Tour

Hi Everyone! So as you can see, I am participating in Xpresso Blog Tour's tour for Trap and Trace. They have supplied me with a copy of this book in order to provide an honest review. Please note that this has not affected my opinion in any way.
The format of this blog post with take the following format if you are interested!
- Giveaway information
- Book Links
- Book Review
- About the Author
Giveaway Information:
The following prize is what you could win (US/CAN ONLY)
- RFID blocking wallet
You can use the following link to enter:
This giveaway ends the 17th August 2017
- RFID blocking wallet
You can use the following link to enter:
This giveaway ends the 17th August 2017
Book Links:

Title: Trap and Trace
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: 18 July 107
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: Ebook
Pages: 404
Rating: 3 - 3.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 04 August 2017 - 06 August 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
A sabotaged CIA operation makes Navy Trent a captive. But surviving the kidnapping is just the beginning of her ordeal. The CIA will kill her if she doesn't stay quest. The saboteurs will kill her if she does. Navy is forced into a high-tech, high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse where only her wits - and a little bit of luck - can keep her alive.
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I had forgotten what this book was about because it had been a while since I signed up for this blog tour opportunity. But it sounds so interesting. I can't wait to read this book because it sounds like there is going to be constant action and close calls. The tension is going to be epic. At least that it what I hope.
Thank you so much to Xpresso Book Tours for hosting this opportunity. I cannot want to jump into this book. Just a small little disclaimer for those reading this review. I have received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. No money on my behalf has been spent in acquiring this book. Please note that this does not affect my opinion in any way. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
The author convinces you of the story with her knowledge of guns and so on. The writing had a good flow and it was simple. There were no words making everything sound pretty. I did have a little trouble envisioning some things but other than that, I enjoyed the simplicity of the writing.
Plot Thoughts:
The book was definitely interesting. It did have its interesting moments and then it had some of its boring moments. The book also started off relatively slow but the pace of it did eventually pick up. I found the plot to be intriguing and not quite what I had seen before. It had its moments of action and it had its moments where the tension was simply building. It was a great first-time political thriller for me.
Character Thoughts:
Navy is not your typical damsel in distress, mainly because she isn't a damsel and she can handle herself. She was also a very interesting character. She wasn't a CIA agent but she definitely carried herself as one. Her career sounds epic. Being an information security engineer sounds like it would be an interesting job to have. I really like the Navy doesn't rely on other people to save her, she is the type who will ask for help when she needs it but if she can do it on her own she would.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I enjoyed the book but I found that I couldn't really connect with all the characters or with the plot but I think that has more to do with the fact that I am in a bit of a reading slump. The author's writing was simplistic and was sometimes really easy to get into. The plot was slow in the beginning but it definitely picked up along the way. Thank you so much to Xpresso Book Tours for hosting this blog tour and for the opportunity!
About the Author:

Her non-literary creations include: a robot to clean the bathroom tub, Zim and Gir costumes, No-Dig tomato stakes, StickFriend the bear bag hanger, and a burning coal costume so she could be Katniss for a night.
Yours in Reading,
Thanks for hosting today, Melleny! This sounds like an interesting read overall! :)