The Half Life Review

Author: Ellie Elisabeth
Series: Legacy of Lilly Guthrie #1
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: 09 November 2016
Source: Author
Format: Paperback
Pages: 313
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 21 June 2017 - 24 June 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
When it came time to grieve her mother's death, Lilly Guthrie didn't let Penthus, the spirit of grief in/ She bottled up her feelings, closed her doors, and packed up her life to travel across the country to her mother's alma mater. Little did Lilly know she would find Penthus and every other disgruntled spirit waiting of her at Wakefield High; that her decision to attend Wakefield would start a war between good and evil, human and spirit, angel and demon. The only question, would Lilly fight the battle she started or run?
Book Review:
Pre-reading Thoughts:
When the author was offering to send books of her first book out to people in preparation of the second being released, I jumped at the opportunity! I just couldn't turn it down. I mean that synopsis just sounded amazing. It felt like this book was calling to me and saying that I am what you looking for. I guess we will have to see what exactly I was looking for. But if it is one hell of a book, I am sure that I found the right book. I am so excited to just jump straight on into this book and honestly I have been on a bit of roll during the week that I started this book and I just have a really good feeling.
Thank you so much to the author, Ellie, for sending me a copy of her book. I am so grateful for getting a physical copy of this book! Just a quick note; I have received this book at no costs of my own in exchange for an honest review. With that being said, please note that in no way has receiving this book affected may opinions. All thoughts are my own.
Writing Thoughts:
I have been loving the simplistic writing styles of authors lately and Elisabeth is no different. The writing was over complicated and super fancy. Instead it was simple and easy to read. I absolutely adored the little quotes at the beginning of each chapter. It was a really nice addition. I also loved how this book contained a lot of dialogue. It made the reading experience a lot more fun because the dialogue added to the characterisation of the characters.
Plot Thoughts:
This book felt like the main focus was to set up for the rest of the series. And oddly enough, it really worked. We got introduced to the new world and all its concepts with the main character. We got to learn the ins and outs of different things. I personally think that this first book will make the rest of the series more understandable. This book, however, did not just focus on the setting up the world and the setting for the rest of the series. It still had an interesting plot that was action packed and there was like almost no romance in the book.
Character Thoughts:
Lilly was an interesting character and she has a long and tangled journey ahead of her. She has a long way to go but she definitely has a lot of potential of becoming one the best protagonists there is.
The other characters were also pretty interesting. The weren't two-dimensional and they each their special quirks that made them intriguing. Some of them were a bit weird but it was a good kinda weird.
The other characters were also pretty interesting. The weren't two-dimensional and they each their special quirks that made them intriguing. Some of them were a bit weird but it was a good kinda weird.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I thought that this book was good. It was well written and concise and there was no odd and unexplained event that had no place in being in the story. Personally, I enjoyed the plot and I hope that the next book has a lot of action and maybe we will see a new side to Lilly as she continues on her kickass journey. Thank you so much to the author for sending me a copy of her book! I can't wait for more!
Recommend this for those who love a good angel and demon book with a little something new!
Recommend this for those who love a good angel and demon book with a little something new!
Yours in Reading,
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