Dead Over Heels Review

Author: Theresa Braun
Series: Not Applicable
Publisher: Firth Books
Publication Date: 16 November 2017
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: E-book
Pages: 38
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 27 February 2017
Goodreads Synopsis:
Veronica's first date with Sebastian not only stirs up a powerful attraction, but also a series of supernatural events that will tear them apart.
After countless hours of dead end online dating, Veronica meets up with Sebastian at a reportedly haunted restaurant, since he knows she has a fascination with the paranormal. While enjoying their meals and each other's company, they share a schooling supernatural experience. Their romantic connection is overshadowed by the ghosts of their own pasts that threaten to destroy their buddy relationship. Veronica decides she must return to the restaurant to face her past and dig up more answers. Unfortunately, she realized she must go back, this time with a reluctant Sebastian. In the end, they join forces against the evil that stands between them, but will they make it out alive?
Book Review
Pre-reading Thoughts:
I received a copy of this book through Xpresso Book Tours. They provided me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. I can't wait to read this book! I can't wait to see how the story unfolds in such a short time. I am also excited to see what I think about the book, as it has an interesting concept.
Writing Thoughts:
The writing was uncomplicated and simple. It allowed for the pages to fly by and the story to make absolute sense. Because it was such as short book, I don't actually have much to say other than that it was enjoyable.
Plot Thoughts:
The story was unexpectedly really good. This little book has so much potential to become a full length novel. The story went from cute to kind of shocking and unpredictable, but it was still really interesting. I would definitely read this book again if it was made into a longer novel
Character Thoughts:
There was no character development in this book, at least not really because there wasn't really time to do so, however there is so much potential in this book for character development and the chance to explore the characters' background.
Final Thoughts:
This small book has so much potential to become so much more. It has a chance to change into something more interesting and intriguing. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I would definitely read more of it. I also highly recommend this to anyone who wants a quick read and something interesting and different
Yours in Reading,
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