Five Quick Reviews
Did I Mention I Love You
Title: Did I Mention I Love You?
Author: Estelle Maskame
Series: The DIMILY Trilogy #1
Publisher: Black and White Publishing
Publication Date: 21 July 2015
Source: Purchased (at Bargain Books)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 422
Rating: 5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 06 January 2019 - 10 January 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
When sixteen-year-old Eden Munro agrees to spend the summer with her estranged father in the beachfront city of Santa Monica, California, she has no idea what she’s letting herself in for. Eden's parents are divorced and have gone their separate ways, and now her father has a brand new family. For Eden, this means she's about to meet three new step-brothers. The eldest of the three is Tyler Bruce, a troubled teenager with a short temper and a huge ego. Complete polar opposites, Eden quickly finds herself thrust into a world full of new experiences as Tyler's group of friends take her under their wing. But the one thing she just can't understand is Tyler, and the more she presses to figure out the truth about him, the more she finds herself falling for the one person she shouldn't – her step-brother.
Throw in Tyler's clingy girlfriend and a guy who has his eyes set on Eden, and there's secrets, lies and a whole lot of drama. But how can Eden keep her feelings under control? And can she ever work out the truth about Tyler?
Book Review:
I've read the first two books from the DIMILY series about three years ago but because Tyler is getting his own books, I thought I would go back and reread the books. I really enjoyed the writing, it just pulls you into the novel. The pacing is done well and the writing never feels heavy. The plot was super adorable. I honestly love how we got to see the relationship between Eden and Tyler grow and turn into something different. I also really liked how we got to see Eden interact with other characters and develop separate relationships with them. I really loved this book because its so cute and fluffy and the characters are easy to fall in love with.
Title: Waking to Black
Author: V.H. Luis
Series: #Uninhibited #1
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 02 May 2018
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: eBook
Pages: 409
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 01 February 2019
Waking to Black

Author: V.H. Luis
Series: #Uninhibited #1
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 02 May 2018
Source: Xpresso Book Tours
Format: eBook
Pages: 409
Rating: 4 Stars
Reading Timeline: 01 February 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
He shattered my defenses and I was fragile to begin with…
The first time I saw Adam Black, I was between the arms of a criminal, a gun to my throat and even then, I knew I was staring at the most dangerous man in the room.
Maybe it was his confident, cerulean eyes, or the sex appeal radiating from his pores like heat waves on a scorching day, but by proximity alone he ma c4ߧde my vision blur and my heart stammer.
The day I was nearly killed in a bank hold-up, I began to live—because of him.
Now, I’m praying for the first time in years, hoping the scars of my past, the secrets I keep, don’t interfere with my future…
Book Review:
Before I hop into this review, I just want to take the time to say thank you to Xpresso Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book for the Fading to Black Blog Tour. I really enjoyed this book. It was a great introduction to both the characters and the environment. I also really enjoyed the romance between the two main characters. It was great mix between sweet romance and an intense fling. The writing just pulled me in from the first page and kept me engrossed in the novel until the end. The dialogue was also really well written, the banter truly entertained me to the point that I laughed out loud a couple of times. The plot was also well thought out but I thought that the ending was a bit rushed. The characters were complex and definitely kept me on my toes. This book approaches the subject of suicide and depression, so please be aware of that as you start. This book is also not suitable for younger readers as there is sexual content
Author: Jessica Townsend
Series: Nevermoor #1
Publisher: Orion Children's Books
Publication Date: 12 October 2017
Source: Purchased
Format: Paperback (Finished Copy)
Pages: 374
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Reading Timeline: 22 February 2019 - 24 February 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
Enter the Wundrous world of Morrigan Crow and Nevermoor - the most fantastical children's release of the year.Morrigan Crow is cursed. Having been born on Eventide, the unluckiest day for any child to be born, she's blamed for all local misfortunes, from hailstorms to heart attacks - and, worst of all, the curse means that Morrigan is doomed to die at midnight on her eleventh birthday. But as Morrigan awaits her fate, a strange and remarkable man named Jupiter North appears.
Chased by black-smoke hounds and shadowy hunters on horseback, he whisks her away into the safety of a secret, magical city called Nevermoor. It's then that Morrigan discovers Jupiter has chosen her to contend for a place in the city's most prestigious organisation: the Wundrous Society.
In order to join, she must compete in four difficult and dangerous trials against hundreds of other children, each boasting an extraordinary talent that sets them apart - an extraordinary talent that Morrigan insists she does not have. To stay in the safety of Nevermoor for good, Morrigan will need to find a way to pass the tests - or she'll have to leave the city and confront her deadly fate once and for all.
Book Review:
I absolutely love reading this book. It is just full of adventure and magical moments. This book is full of Wunder. It's nearly impossible not to love. The writing is simple to read which is perfect for young readers. The plot deals with Morrigan as deals with different situations that range from the amazing and impossible to the situations which are heartbreaking and just seem downright unfair. Morrigan is not only an ideal main character but she is one that jumps off of the page and into your heart.
Title: Words in Deep Blue
Author: Cath Crowley
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Reads
Publication Date: 06 June 2017
Source: Pan Macmillan South Africa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
Rating: No Rating - DNF
Reading Timeline: 22 March 2019
This is a love story.It's the story of Howling Books, where readers write letters to strangers, to lovers, to poets.It's the story of Henry Jones and Rachel Sweetie. They were best friends once, before Rachel moved to the sea. Now, she's back, working at the bookstore, grieving for her brother Cal and looking for the future in the books people love, and the words they leave behind.
Words in Deep Blue

Author: Cath Crowley
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Reads
Publication Date: 06 June 2017
Source: Pan Macmillan South Africa
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
Rating: No Rating - DNF
Reading Timeline: 22 March 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
This is a love story.It's the story of Howling Books, where readers write letters to strangers, to lovers, to poets.It's the story of Henry Jones and Rachel Sweetie. They were best friends once, before Rachel moved to the sea. Now, she's back, working at the bookstore, grieving for her brother Cal and looking for the future in the books people love, and the words they leave behind.
Book Review:
I was so excited to jump into this book. As a book lover the idea of finding a small love letting in a book is like a dream come true. Its one of those highly unlikely but super romantic gestures that we always think about. Unfortunately, this book just didn't click with me. I found myself not really caring for the characters or what was happening in the story. I definitely think that this is one that I will revisit because I still really like the concept but for now, this book just wasn't for me.
Who's Afraid
Author: Maria Lewis
Series: Tommi Grayson #1
Publisher: Piatkus
Publication Date: 14 July 2016
Source: Purchased (@Bargain Books)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 343
Rating: DNF
Reading Timeline: 26 March 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
This is the story of Tommi, a young Scottish woman living an ordinary life, who stumbles violently into her birthright as the world's most powerful werewolf. The sudden appearance of a dark, mysterious (and very attractive) guardian further confuses her as her powers begin to develop and she begins to understand that her life can never be the same again. The reader will be swept up in Tommi's journey as she's thrown into the middle of a centuries-old battle and a world peopled with expert warriors and vicious enemies - this is the start of a series - and a world - you will fall in love with.
Book Review:
I had really high expectations for this book. The premise was promising and the thoughts I heard from some people praised this book to no end. Unfortunately, this was just not the book for me. I had read over a hundred pages and the story had yet to catch my attention. The writing was not consistent. The author jumped from writing scenes in the present to writing scenes in the past. And whilst there was a some action, I felt as if I was told what was happening more than shown. When it comes down to it, this book was not what I had hoped it to be and it was just not for me.
Yours in Reading,
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